Welcome to thebookvagrant!

The Beauty of Darkness Tour with Mary E. Pearson & Veronica Rossi

Yesterday I was lucky enough to attend Mary E. Pearson's event at Hicklebee's â€“ an adorable independent bookshop in the heart of the city – for Mary's second stop in The Beauty of Darkness tour. We were lucky enough to have

Recent Buys II

I recently finally posted my Spring Book Haul, but here we are again. I blame this on the fact that I recently discovered that my library has a tiny little shop where paperbacks are 5 for $1, and I

Recent Buys

THE BOOK OF IVY by Amy Engel Review


DIY | Flower Bookmarks

I tried to do an artsy thing, and I filmed it.

Currently Reading I

Oh, reading slump! The things you make me do.
