My name is Yesenia, but feel free to call me Yesy. I am a 22-year-old aspiring writer, a reader, a vlogger, a blogger, and a dreamer -- sharing my love of books one post at a time. I recently graduated with a BA in English and Professional and Technical Writing.
‣ I am currently accepting review requests. I prefer physical copies, but e-book copies are also accepted.
‣ I read and review primarily young adult fantasy and contemporary novels. I also read some classics, new adult novels, adult fiction, graphic novels, and literary fiction, but the one genre I have no interest in reading is erotica. (For a better idea of my personal reading preferences, I suggest a quick look-through of my Goodreads page.)
‣ I do a combination of written and video reviews. I am willing to work closely with the publisher or author to complete the review in the most suitable format for their novel.
‣ If you send a review request please be sure to include at least this information: title, author, quick synopsis, and a Goodreads link (if available). I cannot guarantee that I will accept all requests as I have an extensive TBR pile. However, if the book truly interests me, I am willing to work with the author or publisher to read and review the book by an agreed upon date, if necessary.
‣ I rate on a 5 star rating scale.
‣ This blog's content my own original work - photographed, written, and edited by me - unless otherwise stated.
‣ All opinions are my own and all books are purchased by me unless otherwise stated.
‣ I can't guarantee a positive review, nor do I accept paid compensation for a positive review. My reviews will always be 100% honest, but I will never completely trash a book nor will I attack the author.
‣ If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.
For business inquiries only:
For general requests or questions feel free to DM me on Twitter.
You can also find me on:
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