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The Beauty of Darkness Tour with Mary E. Pearson & Veronica Rossi

By 8:00 AM , , , , , , , , , , ,

Yesterday I was lucky enough to attend Mary E. Pearson's event at Hicklebee's – an adorable independent bookshop in the heart of the city – for Mary's second stop in The Beauty of Darkness tour. We were lucky enough to have Veronica Rossi – author of the Under the Never Sky trilogy – at the event as well. I absolutely adore both the Under the Never Sky trilogy and The Remnant Chronicles, so to say that I was excited is an understatement!

The first part of the event was a conversation between Mary and Veronica (pictured above) in which they discussed everything from what books they'd been reading, how they got published, details about their writing process, and hints for possible upcoming projects (Veronica hinted at the possibility of some sort of Roar story and I'm desperately trying not to get my hopes up because I just love him too much). Overall, it was super entertaining, and I really enjoyed listening to them talk.

I was also lucky enough to meet Hannah (A Clockwork Reader) who was there to interview Mary. We both participated in a Hamilton lip-sync a while ago, so it was really nice to actually meet her in person. I really wish I would have thought for us to take a picture together, but oh well, maybe next time.

Also, the bookstore's walls and pillars are covered in authors' signatures and doodles – including J.K. Rowling's which I will most definitely go back to find one day – and I loved walking around looking through them and seeing which authors have visited the store before.

Huge thank you to both Mary E. Pearson and Veronica Rossi for being lovely, and to everyone at Hicklebee's for hosting the event, and being lovely as well. Definitely looking forward to coming back for the next one! 😉

Mary E. Pearson
Veronica Rossi

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