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March Wrap-Up

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My wrap-up for this month is unintentionally green, which now seems fitting since it was Saint Patrick's Day a few weeks ago. I managed to read some great books this month, and while I didn't read all of the books I wanted to, most of the books I did read were pretty amazing.

The Sin Eater's Daughter | Melinda Salisbury

This was one of my most anticipated books of the year, but it left me feeling underwhelmed to say the least. While the world seemed unique and interesting and the writing was generally beautiful, I really wish the story was developed a little further. My main issue with this book was the setup (or lack thereof). It seemed like so much happened in the second half of the book(which was great), but it had little-to-no setup in the first half. 

I still enjoyed the story overall -- I gave it 3 stars -- and I am interested in reading the sequel before I give up on this series; particularly for that infuriating plot twist at the end that came out of nowhere.

Insurgent | Veronica Roth

I reread this with Ilse and Kevin in preparation for the movie and I really enjoyed it -- in fact, I think I enjoyed it much more than the first time. Tris and Four still frustrated me, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

(I might actually finally read Allegiant now. Maybe.)

The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer | Michelle Hodkin

Mandi and I decided it was time to finally read this book this month. The hype surrounding it is insane and now that I've read it I understand. I had no idea what on earth was going on throughout, and I loved it! It is the perfect mix of mystery with romance and paranormal elements. It kept me on the edge of my seat (so to speak) and I read it in one night. 

I'm currently reading the second book, so keep a lookout for that in next month's wrap-up!

Kiss of Deception | Mary E. Pearson

Another book that has been massively hyped on YouTube and yes, the hype is well-deserved. I loved it. There were so many plot twists, the world and characters were really well done, and there was continual development of both. The story is taking a turn I completely did not expect and I really want to see how the plot and characters develop.

Definitely preordering the next book (to be released in July.)

Crown of Midnight | Sarah J. Maas

This book has been designated to the corner of my room until it thinks about what it's done.

I did love it though. Solid sequel. Can't wait to read Heir of Fire. (I will have to mentally prepare myself for a bit though.) If you haven't read Throne of Glass, I highly, highly, highly recommend it. Celaena is who I want to be when I grow up. Read it, people. Read it.


The Yellow Wall-Paper | Charlotte Perkins Gilman

One of the first feminist texts I read and it's forever a favorite. This Penguin Little Black Classics edition has three short stories: The Yellow Wall-Paper, The Rocking Chair, and Old Water.

I want more of these Little Black Classics. There's just something about them. I just gotta catch 'em all!

Those were all of the books I read this month. Be sure to comment if you have read any of these as well, and tell me what books you read this month!

Until next time!


PS: Don't forget to check out the video below!

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