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Ah~ quitter strips! 💕

By 12:11 AM , , ,

They're an essential part of every bookworm's arsenal and you most likely love them, collect them, display them, but hardly ever use them. *cough* me *cough*
When it comes to bookmarks I have a problem. It's not as bad as my book-buying problem, but it's bad. What makes it even worse is the fact that I hardly ever actually use them. In fact, I usually use anything else other than my bookmarks as a bookmark (please refer to this video for the story of my life). Yes, I even dog eared my pages in my youth, but I have since learned the error of my ways (unless I am very, very desperate).

In an effort take out my lovely unused bookmarks from storage, I insert a bookmark into a book immediately when I start reading it. That way, I have no excuse not to use it, not am I forced to desperately search around me for something to hold my page (water bottle, cellphone, cords, the edge of my bed comforter, tv remote, hair tie...I could keep going). It's definitely helped so far.

So now that my quitter strips are actually out of the cave, I have had time to admire and love them even more. So much so that I want to perpetually catalog them in my blog, and share some of them with you.

I can't share a few of my favorite bookmarks without including at least one of my Book Depository bookmarks. The Book Depository usually sends customers a gorgeous bookmark with every purchase, and that's enough incentive for me to keep purchasing books from the site (especially the beautiful UK cover editions of certain books). While I do have a few of them, these two are my favorite ones:

Bookmark designed by Andreea Dache
I think this is one of my all-time favorite bookmarks. I love the artwork so much I'd be willing to buy a poster. Seriously, if anyone knows if this artist sells prints online, please let me know!

Bookmark designed by Mathilde Stone
Another Book Depository favorite. It's a city made of books. What's not to love?

These two were part of a special customer designed set for 2014 so I'm not sure if the Book Depository is still giving them out, but you can check out the rest of the bookmark designs here.

Paint swatches make the best bookmarks! I discovered this last year when I received a small set of them for free in a trial subscription of a home decor magazine. I don't know how I never thought of reusing these this way before. It's brilliant! Plus, you can always coordinate the colors to match the cover of whatever book you're reading. AND THEY'RE FREE! (sorta...)

Another one of my all-time favorite bookmarks, and it's not even an actual bookmark. It's actually the tag of a Forever21 shirt I bought a few months ago, and I loved it so much I just had to keep it. Isn't she lovely?

These bookmarks/sticky notes are one of the bookmarks I love but can never actually get myself to use simply because they are adorable. When I have used them, though, I've loved them more than words can explain. It is always a pleasant little surprise to see an adorable bunny rabbit peeping out of the pages of the book I'm reading.

You can get these on eBay for less than $2. Shipping time is a bit long, but it's worth it.


Those were some of my favorite bookmarks. Are you guys anything like me? Do you actually use your bookmarks or do you use anything but? Let me know in the comments!

I leave you with this bit of gold (and one of the inspirations for this post):

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